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How does vertical leadership development create growth?

Personal growth and business growth are linked. 

Learning new practical skills is an element of horizontal leadership development (Upper Right quadrant). It is important to develop new leadership skills, adding to your set of tools that enable you to lead.

While these skills are important, they alone don’t enable leaders to develop in ways that equip them to meet the complexity of their environment. This can often result in overwhelm, stress, burnout, and an inability to keep up with the demands placed upon them.

Today’s leaders need to be able to rise to the challenge of working within an increasingly complex environment. This requires ongoing personal growth to create evolutionary shifts in consciousness (Upper Left quadrant).

You need to experience vertical development to evolve personally and as a leader. 

Vertical development is the result of shifts in your mindset. It is the result of personal evolution and growth. Vertical leadership development is essential for business growth in the complex and changing world we live in.

Vertical development comes with a realisation that your own perception of the world frames your understanding of your experience. 

Participating more fully in our own evolution and in the way we make sense of our experiences opens up expansive new possibilities - new ways of thinking about ourselves, new ways of connecting to other people, and new creative ways of solving problems - which are especially needed for leading in complex and uncertain times.

Adults continue to develop over time. 

When faced with worldviews that differ from our own, or experiences that are unfamiliar to us, it creates an opportunity to grow. 

We used to believe that humans finished growing once they hit adulthood. However, research has shown that throughout our lives, we have the capacity to grow and change. And, that adults can progress through distinct patterns of growth, which increase in their level of complexity.

Understanding these stages of adult development, and where your own development fits within that framework, can help you see the possibilities for further growth as an individual, and as a leader. 

Heart@Work will help you examine the stages of adult development, and help you and your team to expand your capacity to think and connect in sophisticated ways - working towards new ways of being for personal and organisational growth. 

To sustain personal growth, it becomes important to integrate new experiences and perspectives. 

We can evolve, given the right tools and guidance, when led by a coach or process that helps us make meaning of our growth. Heart@Work can guide you and your team through this process. 

Your ability to extract meaning from a situation is limited by the level of your self-awareness. With a renewed sense of curiosity, your own understanding will expand and enable you to find solutions that may have otherwise eluded you. 

Heart@Work can help you build practical leadership skills and we can equip you with tools and processes. But, what sets us apart is heart. 

We want you to explore what connects you to your heart at work, ultimately transforming your leadership, your team and your organisation. 

Are you ready for vertical leadership development?