Grow with our resources on building Unity through Organisational Psychology and heart-centered principles and concepts.
It’s the people stuff that poses the biggest threats to organisational success and offers the greatest opportunities for everyone to thrive.
For years, we’ve often been conditioned keep our personal life at home and bring only our “professional self” to work. It’s clean. It’s compartmentalised. And it’s also a bit of lie. The truth is, the behaviours and problems that show up in an organisation often have roots outside of work.
Effective board reporting is crucial for aligning leadership and governance, fostering unity, and driving strategic outcomes. Well-crafted reports do more than showcase performance. Here’s how to create board reports that are impactful and strategic.
We have all received feedback that feels like judgement and criticism, as well as attempted to provide feedback and have it blow-up. This can leave us not knowing what to say or how to say it. Here are 6 unhelpful beliefs about feedback & how to overcome them.
Many of us are caught up in a perpetual cycle of doing. Our society often conditions and rewards us for goal attainment, productivity, and hurrying to finish tasks. In western culture, doing = success.
Whilst there is no shortage of blogs outlining the most important leadership skills and traits, one that is often missing from the list, and the one we believe is one of the most important to thrive in today's context, is the power of perspective.
For some of us, relationships aren’t so easy to build and maintain, and can be one of the biggest sources of stress and challenge in the workplace. What makes relationships challenging? Lot’s of things!
Are you someone who enjoys solving problems? Including the problems of others? Perhaps you gain personal satisfaction from helping your team when they become stuck? And at the same time, maybe you feel stretched and exhausted, and wonder why your team keeps relying on you and don’t step up to the plate?
These days, it is uncommon not to hear clients talk about their stress or overwhelm at work. Recent research suggests that more than 80% of leaders are leading from a place of stress. And there is no sign of it getting any easier anytime soon (or ever).
Whether you’re part of a leadership team or group of people working together to achieve a common purpose, when individuals come together in a group, you create your own unique ‘group dynamics’. Unhealthy group dynamics can undermine your team’s productivity and success.
People and organisations need to keep growing and evolving in order to be effective in the complex and rapidly changing world we live in. Organisational Psychology is a powerful way to guide and sustain personal and collective transformation.
Personal growth and business growth are linked. Today’s leaders need to be able to rise to the challenge of working within an increasingly complex environment. This requires ongoing personal growth to create evolutionary shifts in consciousness.
Are you trying to raise the bar on performance or address your ‘people problems’, but with limited success? Perhaps you’ve invested in a new system or process, or a new strategy or program to solve your people challenges, but it’s just not hitting the mark.